Cooperative revolutions


Fundacja Republikańska

In implementing the “Cooperative Revolutions” project, we want to change the way of thinking about housing cooperatives. Our dream is for cooperatives to no longer be thought of as creatures from a bygone age, illustrated perfectly in the “Alternatywy 4” TV series, and to start thinking about it like a community, and about our common good. We know that managing cooperatives leaves much to be desired. That’s why on this website we present a compendium of knowledge on implementing change in cooperatives. We prepared the Podręcznik świadomego mieszkańca spółdzielni mieszkaniowejGraficzną Wersję Ustawy – Poradnik Prawo Spółdzielcze [Handbook of the Cognizant Resident of a Housing Cooperative, Graphical Version of the Law – Guide to Cooperative Law]. Beyond this, we conduct trainings for members and residents of housing cooperatives.

Website of the project:


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